On March 31, 2024, the transition phase of the changeover of the transmission path in the context of market communication ended. By this date, all participants in the electricity market had to have switched the transmission path from SMTP to AS4 in accordance with the BDEW guidelines. Since version 15, NoSpamProxy has also been offering this form of transmission and symbolically acts as a loading station between the SMTP and AS4 protocols. Read this blog article to find out which three points you should pay attention to when switching to the AS4 protocol.
Version 15.1 of NoSpamProxy Server is now available! The new version of NoSpamProxy Server continues to stand for advanced spam protection and email security. With version 15.1 you can continue to ensure secure electronic communication.
It is essential for companies to continuously update and improve their IT systems. We meet this need with a sophisticated update system for the two products NoSpamProxy Server and NoSpamProxy Cloud. Through regular updates, we ensure that NoSpamProxy users always benefit from the latest features and optimum security.
For some time now, NoSpamProxy customers have also been able to find all the content of the Knowledge Base in the NoSpamProxy online help. At the end of April, we will take the Knowledge Base offline for good. Here you can find out what you need to do now.
Cloud services are now an important part of the working world, and as digitalisation progresses, more and more processes are being shifted to cloud services. But what if spammers also take a liking to these easy-to-use services and use them for phishing attacks?
When one of our technology partners published a mandatory announcement in February 2023 stating that it was facing financial difficulties and had to lay off a large number of employees, it quickly became clear that a replacement for our existing sandbox solution was needed. Thus, the 32Guards Sandbox was born.
Many experts cite crypto-agility as a central component of a quantum-safe security strategy. But what exactly is crypto-agility?
Most malware enters company networks via email, all over the world. NoSpamProxy Protection protects you from threats. Read this blog article to find out why it is a good idea to combine the content filter in NoSpamProxy Protection with NoSpamProxy Disclaimer.
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