• Proactive protection against spam and malware. Made in Germany.

    NoSpamProxy Protection offers proactive protection against spam, ransomware, malware and spyware. Ensure complete email security now with the spam filter from NoSpamProxy!

    Get the free trial
    Spamfilter NoSpamProxy Protection
  • BSI-certified*: Email security with NoSpamProxy

    Discover NoSpamProxy, the leading email security solution and the first software product worldwide to receive the coveted BSI certificate in accordance with the Accelerated Security Certification (Beschleunigte Sicherheitszertifizierung, BSZ). Find out how NoSpamProxy can protect your company from the latest cyber threats.

    More informationFree trial version
    BSI Certification
  • NoSpamProxy – The ideal addition to Microsoft 365

    NoSpamProxy optimises your mail security in Microsoft 365. Use the modular combination of spam and malware protection, email encryption, sending of large files and email disclaimer now.

    More information
    Microsoft 365 Mail Security Slider
  • Proactive protection against spam and malware. Made in Germany.

    NoSpamProxy Protection offers proactive protection against spam, ransomware, malware and spyware. Ensure complete email security now with the spam filter from NoSpamProxy!

    Get the free trial
    Spamfilter NoSpamProxy Protection
  • BSI-certified*: Email security with NoSpamProxy

    Discover NoSpamProxy, the leading email security solution and the first software product worldwide to receive the coveted BSI certificate in accordance with the Accelerated Security Certification (Beschleunigte Sicherheitszertifizierung, BSZ). Find out how NoSpamProxy can protect your company from the latest cyber threats.

    More informationFree trial version
    BSI Certification
  • NoSpamProxy – The ideal addition to Microsoft 365

    NoSpamProxy optimises your mail security in Microsoft 365. Use the modular combination of spam and malware protection, email encryption, sending of large files and email disclaimer now.

    More information
    Microsoft 365 Mail Security Slider

Abwehren statt Quarantäne

Spam protection without quarantine

NoSpamProxy fends off dangerous emails instead of moving them into a cluttered quarantine. The sender receives an undeliverablity message allowing him or her to react if necessary.

Level of Trust

Reward trust, gain security

With the help of Level of Trust, NoSpamProxy learns who you or employees of your company are communicating with. Trust points are awarded to the sender and recipient based on numerous characteristics.

Icon Security Made in Germany

Email security made in Germany

NoSpamProxy bears the seal of quality IT Security Made in Germany and has stood for reliability and competence for more than 15 years. It meets all legal requirements and is fully compliant with GDPR

Zero-Hour™ Virus Protection

Swarm intelligence & real-time protection

The Zero Hour™ Outbreak Protection offers the fastest protection against malware and spam. Our anti-malware intelligence is constantly learning, leaving Emotet and QakBot no chance.

A Spam filter from the seven times champion

Proactive protection against spam & malware.

Cyber attacks are a part of everyday life for companies all over the world, and 82 percent of all cyber attacks occur via email*. High time to secure this vulnerability particularly well. The award-winning security solution NoSpamProxy offers the best protection against spam and malware.

For the seventh time in a row, NoSpamProxy was voted champion in the Professional User Rating for email security solutions. NoSpamProxy impressed the users particularly in the categories performance, range of functions and usability. The competent German and English language support was also honored. Compared to 23 other providers, NoSpamProxy also distinguished itself by being the only solution among three champions in this year’s ranking that can be operated variably in the cloud or on-premises.

Key benefits at a glance

  • Relief of administrators
  • Trust-based rating system
  • Malware-free email attachments
  • No malicious links in emails
  • No quarantine
  • No emails from fake senders
  • Quick defense against cyber attacks
  • BSI-certified*
  • Compliance with all legal requirements & GDPR
  • Award-winning support in German and English

out of 100 points


False Positive Rate

„Net at Work’s email security solution achieves a detection rate of more than 99.95% for the spam corpus as well as for the subcategories malware and phishing. As there were no false positives, the product was awarded VBSpam+ certification.“

Ionuţ Răileanu and Adrian Luca, Virus Bulletin, VBSpam Email Security Comparative Review June 2024

You need protection against spam & malware? Avoid the quarantine trap.

False positives are a big risk when using a conventional anti-spam solution. If these misclassified emails are deleted or quarantined, they can either not be detected and restored at all or only with considerable difficulty.

Why is an email quarantine dangerous?

The BGH ruled that emails that are made available for retrieval on the recipient’s mail server during normal business hours are generally considered delivered to the recipient at that time. Of course, this also includes spam and quarantine folders.

Block spam emails. With the effective spam protection of NoSpamProxy.

New with 32Guards.

NoSpamProxy Protection checks each email and classifies it using various anti-spam filters. The new AI-based 32Guards also evaluates the metadata of attachments and URLs. If an email is classified as spam or potentially dangerous, the system does not accept this email. Only messages classified as trustworthy can reach the inbox.

NoSpamProxy is one of the few products on the market that guarantees full compliance with the demanding German law (in particular according to $206 StGB, §88 Telecommunications Act). NoSpamProxy offers effective protection against spam and malware.

Currently, with the help of 32Guards, we evaluate around 10 million emails with 5 million attachments and 125 million links from German-speaking countries every week. This enormous database enables us to recognise developments and trends at an early stage and to react to them. In this way, we are able to stop the usual cyber criminals in their tracks.“

Dr. Tim Lenzen, Senior Data Scientist

Dr. Tim Lenzen

Over 6,000 companies entrust the security of their Email communication to NoSpamProxy.

Swiss Life Select Deutschland GmbH

What makes NoSpamProxy Protection so powerful?

„The Level of Trust an excellent idea. It stops known spammers reliably and ensures that emails from our frequent correspondence partners are guaranteed to be delivered.“

Jürgen Lalla, Head of IT at Swiss Life Select

Universität Rostock Logo

„The self-learning whitelisting and the intensive use of sender reputation techniques such as DANE, DKIM, DMARC and SPF were decisive factors in our decision to use NoSpamProxy. We are not aware of any other product that combines these functions so effectively and can therefore reduce the administrative workload and the number of helpdesk tickets to such an extent.“

Jörg Maletzky, IT Administration at ITMZ of Rostock University

„In contrast to a classic FTP server, NoSpamProxy Large Files integrates data handling into the familiar email environment of our employees, enabling a high level of security.“

Peter Gerfer, IT- Systems Technician at  Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag


A guidebook for secure email traffic

Find out how to better secure your email traffic with our guide and step-by-step instructions on DMARC, DKIM, SPF and DANE. Get the guidebook now (German only)!

NoSpamProxy Suite

The package for full Email Security

All four NoSpamProxy modules in one package: With NospamProxy Suite you get all the features you need for reliable protection against malware, ransomware and spam, secure Email encryption, easy sending of large files and effortless management of Email disclaimers. Especially secure, especially affordable. By purchasing NoSpamProxy Suite you benefit from a significantly lower price compared to purchasing the four individual modules.

Full email security also in Microsoft 365

Optimize your email security in Microsoft 365 with NoSpamProxy. Use the modular combination of spam and malware protection, email encryption, large file sending and email disclaimer now.

NoSpamProxy Cloud Logo

NoSpamProxy Cloud.

Simple and secure protection
of your email infrastructure.

NoSpamProxy Cloud is the flexible, cloud-based email security gateway for managing your email infrastructure. Simple and secure, for uncompromising security with minimal effort for your IT department. With NoSpamProxy Cloud, you are ready to go instantly and benefit from intuitive handling, automatic updates and high availability and scalability.

NoSpamProxy Server Logo

NoSpamProxy Server.

The comprehensive solution for
security and email encryption.

NoSpamProxy Server is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to ensure your email security on-premises. For comprehensive protection against ransomware, malware and spam, as well as for encrypting emails. Seven times the award for the Professional User Rating of techconsult GmbH – especially in the areas of performance, functionality and user-friendliness.

Join the NoSpamProxy community

We at NoSpamProxy are passionate about making email communication more secure and simple. A dynamic exchange with and between our customers is particularly important to us. The NoSpamProxy community offers a unique opportunity to talk to other NoSpamProxy users, ask questions, get tips and provide feedback. We analyse use cases, provide support and discuss your suggestions.

Together with the other members of the NoSpamProxy community and the intelligence of all active NoSpamProxy instances, you will help to further develop NoSpamProxy. Your knowledge and experience count. Join the strong NoSpamProxy community!

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Do you have any questions or would you like to make a price request? We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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*According to BSI study from April 2016

*NoSpamProxy Server version was used for the certification and the certificate was issued for this version.