• Secure email encryption.
    Made in Germany.

    Encrypting emails is safe and easy with NoSpamProxy Encryption. Ensure legally compliant and GDPR-compliant email communication now!

    Get your free trial
    E-Mail-Verschlüsselung mit NoSpamProxy Encryption
  • BSI-certified*: Email security with NoSpamProxy

    Discover NoSpamProxy, the leading email security solution and the first software product worldwide to receive the coveted BSI certificate in accordance with the Accelerated Security Certification (Beschleunigte Sicherheitszertifizierung, BSZ). Find out how NoSpamProxy can protect your company from the latest cyber threats.

    More informationFree trial version
    BSI Certification
  • AS4-based Market Communication with NoSpamProxy

    The uniform AS4 communication standard is intended to improve the security and data protection of the communication processes between the various market participants. NoSpamProxy offers you a reliable AS4 solution that covers these processes for all market roles in compliance with the rules.

    More information
    AS4 Marktkommunikation mit NoSpamProxy
  • NoSpamProxy – The ideal addition to Microsoft 365

    NoSpamProxy optimises your mail security in Microsoft 365. Use the modular combination of spam and malware protection, email encryption, sending of large files and email disclaimer now.

    More information
    Microsoft 365 Mail Security Slider
  • Easily send DSGVO-compliant emails

    With the convenient S/MIME 4 and PGP-based encryption solution, you can transmit confidential information in encrypted form – simply and securely.

    Get your free trial
    E-Mail-Verschlüsselung mit NoSpamProxy Encryption
  • BSI-certified*: Email security with NoSpamProxy

    Discover NoSpamProxy, the leading email security solution and the first software product worldwide to receive the coveted BSI certificate in accordance with the Accelerated Security Certification (Beschleunigte Sicherheitszertifizierung, BSZ). Find out how NoSpamProxy can protect your company from the latest cyber threats.

    More informationFree trial version
    BSI Certification
  • AS4-based Market Communication with NoSpamProxy

    The uniform AS4 communication standard is intended to improve the security and data protection of the communication processes between the various market participants. NoSpamProxy offers you a reliable AS4 solution that covers these processes for all market roles in compliance with the rules.

    More information
    AS4 Marktkommunikation mit NoSpamProxy
  • NoSpamProxy – The ideal addition to Microsoft 365

    NoSpamProxy optimises your mail security in Microsoft 365. Use the modular combination of spam and malware protection, email encryption, sending of large files and email disclaimer now.

    More information
    Microsoft 365 Mail Security Slider

Send GDPR-compliant emails for full confidentiality

With the convenient S/MIME- and PGP-based encryption solution, you can transfer encrypted confidential information reliably, easily and securely.

Manage certificates and keys easily and centrally

NoSpamProxy Encryption offers easy implementation and operation. You can control the encryption directly from Outlook if required.

Icon Security Made in Germany

For guaranteed email security Made in Germany

NoSpamProxy bears the IT Security Made in Germany seal of approval, has stood for security and reliability for more than 15 years and is fully GDPR-compliant.

Also for recipients without their own encryption solution

The PDF Mail function enables the simple and secure sending of emails and documents without any requirements on the recipient.

Email Encryption

Fully GDPR-compliant, for data protection and legal security in your company

S/MIME- and PGP-based email encryption is the basis for data protection and legal security in your company. NoSpamProxy offers full support for the latest encryption methods published in the standard. Older methods are also supported to ensure compatibility. With NoSpamProxy Encryption you communicate securely and easily. NoSpamProxy is the convenient solution for email encryption that enables you to easily encrypt and send GDPR-compliant emails.

Benefits at a glance

  • Encrypted transfer of personal data
  • The first gateway to support S/MIME 4
  • Fulfils BSI requirement for federal projects
  • No requirements for recipients
  • Compliance with all legal demands
  • No user training required
  • BSI-certified*
  • Fulfilment of duty for professional secrets
  • Award-winning support in German and English

Is email encryption really important?

Yes, it is, as can be seen in many recent surveys. The reasons for this include the growing threat of industrial espionage and automated email screening by secret services. In many industries, encrypted communication with suppliers or external service providers is a prerequisite for placing orders. After all, invoices sent by email are increasingly intercepted and modified by criminals. By encrypting your communication, you protect sensitive data from illegal access. At the same time, you have legally secure proof of documents sent by email. In addition, companies can effectively differentiate themselves by enabling encrypted email communication with customers or clients.

Email Encryption in Microsoft Outlook

As a gateway solution, NoSpamProxy Encryption takes over the central administration of certificates and keys and makes the introduction and operation of your encryption solution easier than ever before. Control your S/MIME encryption or PGP encryption either centrally at the gateway or, if required, very simply with the NoSpamProxy Add-In for Microsoft Outlook. This allows you to encrypt mails directly in Outlook.

Email Encryption Outlook

Automatic encryption is the easiest way to securely transfer emails. If your communication partner does not use an encryption solution, the content of the email is converted into an encrypted PDF document.


You can decide whether only attached documents or the entire email is protected by PDF Mail. The password can either be set manually or generated automatically.


Configure settings for email signature and S/MIME or PGP-based encryption with just a few clicks.


Easily set the options available in De-Mail, such as the requested confirmations and the shipping method.

Over 6,000 companies entrust the security of their Email communication to NoSpamProxy.

Swiss Life Select Deutschland GmbH

„Email encryption is simple, scalable and organisation-capable with NoSpamProxy Encryption. Our solution does not require extensive end-user training and enables GDPR-compliant email communication.”

Stefan Cink, Director Business and Professional Services NoSpamProxy

Stefan Cink

What makes NoSpamProxy Encryption so powerful?


„After a short break-in phase at the beginning, we quickly had peace of mind and NoSpamProxy has been doing what it is supposed to do ever since: reliably protect us from cyber threats and spam in the background. This is our idea of perfect mail security.”

Keven Kanet, Head of IT Infrastructure, OLYMP Bezner KG

„Although Microsoft 365 comes with its own security solutions, we route all traffic via our NoSpamProxy as a second, central protection mechanism. We rely on the combination of both systems for greater security.”

Marco Riemer, Head of Cloud Services at hagebau IT GmbH

„We work very closely with NoSpamProxy and know that, if the worst comes to the worst, we will quickly have someone on the line to deal with our problem. We also very much appreciate the exchange at eye level.”

Michael Drepper, ZIT, Collaboration Software Unit at the University Medical Center Essen

Are you looking for advice on TLS or S/MIME certificates?

The email certificate management of NoSpamProxy Enryption for S/MIME supports user and domain certificates from any trust center and automatically imports public keys from inbound email signatures. The D-Trust, SwissSign and GlobalSign trust centers are directly integrated for the simple and fast issuing of user certificates. This secure interface between the email gateway and the trust centers reduces the effort for IT administration and offers noticeable cost savings.

If you have any questions regarding TLS encryption and S/MIME encryption, please contact our partner SSL Plus. SSL Plus is a qualified NoSpamProxy partner and can therefore provide you with specific advice on the configuration of certificate management for your NoSpamProxy Encryption installation. This way you receive a certificate solution that fits your company and your NoSpamProxy perfectly.

Buy certificates now

Order gateway certificates and personal certificates now from one of our partners D-Trust, SwissSign, GlobalSign or DigiCert.

Open Keys

The easiest way to the public keys of your communication partners!

With our free service Open Keys you can easily and quickly check if your communication partners have certificates and you can publish keys yourself. With over 1 million accesses per month and over 1 million available public keys, Open Keys is the best first step to encrypted communication. Large German industrial companies, leading trust centers, the Federal Employment Agency and the German Research Foundation use Open Keys as well as numerous private users.

Logo Initiative Mittelstand verschlüsselt

The initiative “Mittelstand verschlüsselt!” enables simple, cost-effective and secure email encryption for all companies. You can find more information on our special website (German only). Find out now!

NoSpamProxy Server Logo

NoSpamProxy Server.

The comprehensive solution for
security and email encryption.

NoSpamProxy Server is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to ensure your email security on-premises. For comprehensive protection against ransomware, malware and spam, as well as for encrypting emails. Multiple winner of the Champion award for the Professional User Rating from techconsult GmbH – particularly in the areas of performance, functionality and user-friendliness.

NoSpamProxy Cloud Logo

NoSpamProxy Cloud.

Simple and secure protection
of your email infrastructure.

NoSpamProxy Cloud is the flexible, cloud-based email security gateway for managing your email infrastructure. For uncompromising security with minimal effort for your IT department. With NoSpamProxy Cloud, you are ready to go right away and benefit from intuitive operation, automatic updates and high availability and scalability.

NoSpamProxy Suite

The package for full Email Security

All four NoSpamProxy modules in one package: With NospamProxy Suite you get all the features you need for reliable protection against malware, ransomware and spam, secure Email encryption, easy sending of large files and effortless management of Email disclaimers. Especially secure, especially affordable. By purchasing NoSpamProxy Suite you benefit from a significantly lower price compared to purchasing the four individual modules.

Full email security also in Microsoft 365

Optimize your email security in Microsoft 365 with NoSpamProxy. Use the modular combination of spam and malware protection, email encryption, large file sending and email disclaimer now.

Do you have any questions or would you like to make a price request? We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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*NoSpamProxy Server version was used for the certification and the certificate was issued for this version.