
Successful projects are the best examples of our work. These success stories are the best proof.

NoSpamProxy® is marketed by qualified solution partners and is available throughout the German-speaking region. Find below a selection from over 6,000 corporate customers who rely on NoSpamProxy.

solutionIT Case Study

solutionIT offers email security as an individual managed service and convinces customers with flexibility and maximum security.

With NoSpamProxy, solutionIT can offer its customers a reliable solution in all deployment and service models: As an on-premises variant operated internally on its own infrastructure, as managed services from the solutionIT data center or – for small customers without individual requirements – as a NoSpamProxy Cloud Service from Net at Work.

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HLB-Stückmann nutzt Cloud Services für E-Mail-Sicherheit 795px

Confidentiality with clients secured – law firm HLB Stückmann uses cloud services for email security

The leading independent auditing and tax consulting firm in East Westphalia-Lippe offers all clients secure and simple encryption of joint email communication with NoSpamProxy Cloud.

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E-Mail-Security-Anbieter Vergleich 2024

NoSpamProxy once again at the top of the Professional User Rating for Security Solutions

For the seventh time in a row, NoSpamProxy has scored impressively in the survey conducted by analyst firm techconsult, which is based on real user feedback. The above-average product loyalty and recommendation rate reflect the strong focus on customer satisfaction.

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Q-Data-Service Case Study

Q-Data Service delights customers with
E-mail security from the cloud

To complement Microsoft Exchange Online, QDS was looking for a cloud service to address the important issue of security and confidentiality of email communications. QDS opted for the cloud service NoSpamProxy. The solution impressed with the smooth operation of the platform in a German data center as well as the constant updating of the software, optimal configuration and management of the necessary certificates by the manufacturer.

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Die ADN Group entscheidet sich für E-Mail-Verschlüsselung mit NoSpamProxy und ist so begeistert, dass sie Distributor wird

ADN Group opts for email encryption with NoSpamProxy and is so enthusiastic that it becomes a distributor

ADN quickly decided on NoSpamProxy Encryption, which was functionally convincing and also promised the best possible support for data protection requirements in the German-speaking region as well as excellent support with the predicate ‘Made in Germany’. Within just two days, the solution was set up and rolled out across all three locations and domains.

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NCP setzt auf NoSpamProxy und Bechtle für E-Mail-Verschlüsselung und Anti-Spam-Anti-Malware

NCP relies on NoSpamProxy and Bechtle for email encryption and anti-spam/anti-malware

As a manufacturer of security solutions, NCP is particularly focused on its own IT security and has the highest demands on the security components used in all areas. NoSpamProxy was able to decisively convince above all with its user-friendliness, the largely automatable administration of the email encryption as well as the automatic adaptation to the possibilities of the communication partners.

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Universität Rostock E-Mail Security Gateway

The University of Rostock protects its email communication with NoSpamProxy and ensures efficient IT administration despite strong dynamics

The University of Rostock replaces Sophos and Vamsoft with the central email relay NoSpamProxy to ensure secure and uninterrupted email communication for more than 16,500 users. With NoSpamProxy Protection, students and staff avoid spam and malware as completely as technically possible.

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NoSpamProxy, Azure and Office 365 increase email security and efficiency at techconsult

As a result of their own user surveys and market studies in a wide range of fields including email security, techconsult has gained an excellent overview of the market as well as the quality of the products available. After thorough examination which included a test phase of three weeks, techconsult decided that NoSpamProxy is the perfect complement to Office 365 in the field of email security.

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Komatsu Mining Germany: As an existing NoSpamProxy user, introducing email encryption was child’s play

It was a simple step for Komatsu Mining Germany GmbH to expand the existing NoSpamProxy Protection gateway solution to include central encryption of sent emails and central decryption of received and encrypted e-mails.

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Swiss Life

Swiss Life: Efficient protection against spam and viruses

For the financial advisors at Swiss Life Select, email communication is their first choice when communicating with customers, colleagues, partners and suppliers. To be able to use the medium despite a spam quota of 90 percent, the company relies on the NoSpamProxy anti-spam solution from Net at Work. As a result, the clever anti-spam solution reliably rejects unwanted emails before they reach the network. This relieves the infrastructure and makes it possible to work efficiently while also guaranteeing Swiss Life Select a high degree of legal certainty.

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ALSO Holding AG: From customer to NoSpamProxy partner

After thoroughly evaluating various providers, the security professionals at ALSO chose the NoSpamProxy suite from Net at Work. ALSO’s demanding requirements and their IT team’s special expertise set the bar especially high for the new email security solution.

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nubizz uses NoSpamProxy email security for Office 365 and combines savings with increased security

Aside from its cloud abilities, the general technical aspects were of key inportance for nubizz. The most convincing aspect was NoSpamProxy’s ability inform the sender in case emails suspected to be spam or containing malware have been refused acceptance.

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Tec Networks: Attractive managed service provider business

Tec Networks is an innovative IT services company based in Emden with a rapidly growing clientele across Germany. Tec Networks focuses Microsoft-based products and is benefiting from the rapidly growing market for switching from on-premised IT to cloud-based hosted and managed services. In addition to offering NoSpamProxy as a managed service, Tec Networks’ portfolio includes Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Azure.

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Isarpatent implements encryption gateway NoSpamProxy Encryption

NoSpamProxy Encryption encrypts all critical emails based on personal certificates using PGP or S/MIME , fully automated as a background process. This makes it possible to establish email communication to clients quickly and easily.

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Swiss Life Select Deutschland GmbH
Uni Rostock applies Anti Spam Filter NoSpamProxy Protection