UPDATE from February 24, 2023
In calendar week 11 we will release version 14.0.5 of NoSpamProxy Server. This version no longer contains any Cyren components, as these have been replaced by the new “Core Antispam Engine”. This engine replaces the previous filters “Cyren AntiSpam” and “Cyren IP Reputation”. Furthermore, the “Malware Scanner Action” has been adapted so that the “Cyren AntiVirus Service” has been replaced by the “Integrated Malware Scanner”. Both components are supplied by an established partner with excellent detection quality. In the properties of the SURBL filter, the corresponding entry for Cyren was also removed.
In the past few days, we have once again improved our cloud-based metadata service “32Guards” so that the checking of URLs is now primarily carried out by 32Guards. This change is already active and can be used by all customers who have NoSpamProxy 14 in use. Customers who are still using NoSpamProxy in version 13.2 can also use 32Guards from now on without having to register for it. The corresponding action is called “Project Heimdall” in this version and only needs to be activated in the corresponding rules.
Our recommendations:
- Our recommendations, which we published at the beginning of February, still apply.
- Users of NoSpamProxy Protection who use older versions should update to version 14 in the short term and ensure that 32Guards is active both as an action and as a filter.
- Activate the file-based virus scanner in the Malware Scanner action (if not already done) and check the local virus scanner (Microsoft Defender or similar) for up-to-dateness.
- The Cyren services are still functional and should remain included in the rules. Only when the connections to Cyren no longer work should you deactivate the Cyren-based filters and actions.
- We recommend that customers who use the sandbox functionality no longer do so, and that they deactivate the sandbox in the content filter.
On February 1, 2023, our stock exchange listed partner Cyren published a mandatory announcement. According to this, the company is facing financial difficulties and is laying off a large number of its employees. The Cyren services that contribute to the spam and virus detection of NoSpamProxy Protection are affected.
The NoSpamProxy modules Encryption, Managed Certificates, Large Files and Disclaimer are proprietary developments of Net at Work and independent of Cyren.
For NoSpamProxy Protection, we have developed our own detection technology for unwanted emails, 32Guards, since 2020. 32Guards is integrated as a component from version 14 in NoSpamProxy Server as well as in NoSpamProxy Cloud. 32Guards is independent of Cyren and very powerful and fast due to the integration of machine learning technology.
Due to the above-mentioned announcement by Cyren, we see an increased risk that the detection rate of the Cyren services used will deteriorate.
We therefore recommend all users of NoSpamProxy Server to implement the following measures:
- Users of NoSpamProxy Protection who use older versions should update to version 14 immediately and ensure that 32Guards is active both as an action and as a filter.
- Activate the file-based virus scanner in the Malware Scanner action (if not already the case) and check the local virus scanner (Microsoft Defender or similar) for up-to-dateness.
- Cyren services are still functional and should be retained in the rules.
NoSpamProxy Cloud is configured optimally by us, uses 32Guards and requires no action on the part of the customer.
To ensure the best possible detection rates for our customers, we are terminating support for NoSpamProxy versions 13.1 and lower as of 31.03.2023. Versions 13.2 and higher will remain fully supported.
Net at Work is in close contact with the management of Cyren and is constantly kept informed about changes in the situation.
Due to increased requests due to the current situation, delays and waiting times for support requests may occur despite additional capacities. Therefore, please also make use of our technical recommendations, our Knowledge Base as well as the documentation.
We will add further information to this page as it becomes available.