From a possible 100 points, NoSpamProxy achieves a dream result with 99,99 points and receives the title VB Spam + Gold from the renowned IT security certification institute Virus Bulletin.
Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is a complex attack on IT infrastructures. How to protect yourself from Advanced Persistent Threats?
At IT Security Workshop of TeleTrusT, the Federal Association for IT Security e.V., Net at Work contributed significantly to a successful workshop with several contributions.
The new EDI@Energy directive of the regulatory authority dictates detailed descriptions of the types of certificates and encryption algorithms messages must be sent or received.
On July 11th, version 12.0.17191.8 was released. This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
The latest version of our gateway solution NoSpamProxy is now available at „Download NoSpamProxy“. Therewith, you can meet the requirements of your clients insofar as email security in a Microsoft environment even better and easier.
Tec Networks has focused on Microsoft-based products and is benefiting from the rapidly growing market for changing from on-premise IT to cloud-based hosted / managed services. In addition to offering NoSpamProxy as a managed service, Tec Networks’ portfolio includes Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Azure offers.
Many customers ask how to block certain attachments, especially potentially harmful ones. Here is how it works.
First of all you have to define a ruleset which you want to use. We call it a content filter policy. Select Presettings (1) and Add (2) to create a new one. Give your policy a good name for what it will do. Now you have to define the attachment types you want to give a special treatment. Click Add (3) and create a new definition. Please be aware your definitions are evaluated from top to bottom and first matching entry will be applied. So if you allow invoice_0815-GmbH_*.zip this should be on top of rejecting *.zip-entry.
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