In addition, due to the legal regulations in force since January 1, 2018, these institutions are obliged to open a secure transmission channel for the delivery of electronic documents. Users of NoSpamProxy can also use a beBPo – with minimal configuration effort.
What is the beBPo?
The beBPo is based on the infrastructure of the EGVP, which has proven itself for electronic legal transactions since 2004. All components required for the beBPo are part of the already existing EGVP infrastructure.
In addition to the beBPo, there are also the beN (for notaries), the beA (for lawyers) and – from 2022 – the eBO, i.e. the electronic citizens’ and organisations’ mailbox. Via this, it will then also be possible for individuals and organisations to send electronic files to other so-called parties to proceedings and to receive documents delivered electronically by the court directly.
For whom is beBPo mandatory?
All authorities prosecuting criminal and administrative offences must set up all secure transmission channels for the submission of electronic documents – i.e. beBPo and De-Mail. Public authorities and legal persons under public law have the choice between beBPo and De-Mail.
With beBPo, these entities can access an OSCI-based channel that enables simple and secure electronic communication with the judiciary, lawyers, notaries and other authorities. OSCI stands for Online Services Computer Interface and is a protocol standard for the confidential and secure transmission of messages in a security environment aligned with the German Signature Act.
What responsibilities does a beBPo have?
The most important task of a beBPo is to enable simple and secure electronic communication with the judiciary, lawyers, notaries and other authorities. This is particularly easy with a beBPo, as no qualified electronic signature is required when using it and receipt mechanisms and verification protocols are already integrated.
In this way, access to courts is standardised, which reduces effort and helps to optimise processes and avoid delays.
How does a beBPo work?
From the user’s point of view, the beBPo works like a conventional e-mail box. First, the mailbox owner opens the special electronic government mailbox with the help of a certificate and then searches for the desired recipient with the help of the SAFE directory services.
SAFE stands for Secure Access to Federated E-Justice/E-Government and is an overarching service for identity management in the justice system. It contains, among other things, all registered special public authority mailboxes as well as EGVP judicial mailboxes, special lawyers’ mailboxes and special notary mailboxes.
After the message has been composed by the sender, it is automatically encrypted and sent. The message is now in the recipient’s mailbox on the intermediary from which it is collected by the recipient.
Using NoSpamProxy and beBPo together
Connecting beBPo to NoSpamProxy is easy: The Mentana gateway from Mentana Claimsoft/FP Digital Business Solutions can already be integrated into NoSpamProxy by default, for example to provide De-Mail connectors.
Since the Mentana gateway also offers integrations for EGVP, and beBPo, it can be used to control beBPo mailboxes with minimal configuration effort. To do this, you only need to create a corresponding outbound SMTP send connector in NoSpamProxy, via which the beBPo-compliant messages are routed. It is crucial that you configure the beBPo domain in the DNS routing restrictions.
Once this is done, the configuration is complete and the Mentana gateway can take over at this point.
Do you want to use the public authority mailbox beBPo with NoSpamProxy?
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