NoSpamProxy integrates Sectigo into automatic certificate management
NoSpamProxy customers can now also use Sectigo certificates in the fully automated certificate management. The integration is particularly interesting for users of the German Research Network (DFN).
The new version NoSpamProxy 15.1 also supports the certificate provider Sectigo. With more than one billion digital certificates issued and more than 700,000 customers, Sectigo is one of the largest providers worldwide.
By integrating the products, NoSpamProxy customers can now obtain certificates from Sectigo for email encryption directly via the central certificate management of NoSpamProxy. This is done automatically and completely transparently for users in the background, so that IT administrators do not have to spend any time managing certificates for email signing and encryption.
Sectigo not only offers S/MIME certificates for secure email encryption, but also the entire range of certificates, from SSL certificates and certificates for signing code or documents to eIDAS certificates and certificates from a private PKI. In addition, Sectigo offers an established solution for certificate lifecycle management, with which all certificates in the company can be managed efficiently.
„With its widely used product NoSpamProxy, Net at Work is a very interesting partner for us. We are impressed by how NoSpamProxy not only regularly excels in rankings for performance and user-friendliness, but was also the first mail security software to meet the high hurdles of BSZ certification from the BSI.“
German Research Network (DFN) as a multiplier
The integration of NoSpamProxy and Sectigo is particularly interesting in the context of the German Research Network (DFN). Now that DFN association has replaced its internal DFN PKI solution “Global” with the Sectigo-based service TCS, many DFN users such as research institutions, universities and university hospitals are currently switching to Sectigo as their certificate provider. The switch is particularly easy for NoSpamProxy users because the solution supports both services.
With their particularly high security requirements, many institutions in science and research have been relying on NoSpamProxy and thus on security “Made in Germany” for many years. The worldwide unique certification by the BSI according to BSZ has further accelerated this trend.
„By connecting Sectigo to our automatic certificate management in NoSpamProxy, we not only offer our customers easy access to the certificates of this renowned manufacturer. Switching to a new CA is also particularly easy with NoSpamProxy.“
The connection to Sectigo is now available with version 15.1 of NoSpamProxy in the on-premises version.
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