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When the QakBot rings twice

It is not always nice to see old friends again. Especially not when they ring the doorbell at half past five in the morning, rummage through your entire house and then let in a whole gang of acquaintances who rob you. One way or another, the Malware QakBot – also known as QBot or Pinkslipbot-, which was first discovered in 2007 and has been reappearing in increasing numbers for several months.


How healthcare institutions protect themselves against cyber attacks

Since 2019, public authorities, universities and healthcare institutions have increasingly become the target of hacking attacks. The Berlin Court of Appeal, the University of Gießen and the Hospital of Fürth are only the best-known victims of cyber criminals. And they have two things in common: in all cases the IT infrastructures were infected with the malware Emotet, and the consequences of all infections were catastrophic.




That is why public institutions are the main targets of cyber attacks

A large number of cyber attacks hit public institutions and authorities in 2019. The administration of the city of Frankfurt am Main, the Berlin Chamber Court and the administration of Neustadt am Rübenberge are just three examples that show the catastrophic consequences that an infestation with malware can have for authorities. In all these cases, it was the banking Trojan Emotet – the most dangerous malware in the world at the moment, according to the Federal Ministry for Information Security (BSI) – that was able to paralyze these authorities and in some cases still does so.


Cybercriminals are exploiting the Corona virus

The Coronavirus pandemic, the outbreak of which was first discovered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in late December 2019, is currently a constant topic in the news. Favoured by the hesitant behaviour of the Chinese authorities and global travel and air traffic, there are, according to information from the Federal Ministry of Health, at this point in time (as of 5 February 2020) more than 24,000 cases of infection and over 400 deaths attributed to the corona virus. In addition to these dramatic health consequences, the virus also poses other dangers.



Is Sandboxing a Miracle Cure or a Hype?

IT infrastructures today are regularly exposed to dangerous and sophisticated attacks by hackers. With the growing number of attacks, the technological maturity of the attack methods used increases: Emotet, WannaCry, Locky, DDOS attacks or Zip bombs repeatedly threaten companies and authorities, and in many cases cause considerable damage.


How to Remove Malware from Your PC

Malware endangers computers, systems, IT infrastructures, and entire companies. The aim of these attacks, which are carried out using malware, is to capture data, documents and passwords. In most cases, the criminals want to enrich themselves with the money of their victims. The financial losses for private individuals or companies can be serious: Financial damages, including […]