NoSpamProxy also prevents the latest industrial espionage wave via email
Criminals have recently launched a wave of email attacks targeting industrial AutoCAD files. The focus is on companies in the renewable energy and automotive sectors. Industrial espionage thus reaches an unprecedented scale.
A prepared AutoCAD file is used as the attack medium. When the file is opened, a Trojan, disguised as an attachment to the CAD file, is activated. The Trojan then targets other CAD files and sends them to the originators of the attack. Smart attachment management has been an important component of any email security strategy not only since the emergence of Emotet. The exchange of CAD files via email between development departments, external development service providers and manufacturing companies is an irreplaceable part of current manufacturing processes, many of which take place unencrypted.
With NoSpamProxy, this requirement can be met very easily and without any effort by the administrator. The combination of the proven Level of Trust system and smart attachment management makes it possible for CAD files from unknown senders to be rejected or at least placed in an attachment quarantine. If the same attachment comes from a known sender, it can be delivered to the recipient after a thorough virus check. The employee determines whether the sender is known or unknown by simply sending an outbound email to the communication partner. With NoSpamProxy, the exchange of CAD files can also be automatically encrypted and thus made unassailable for industrial spies.
With the next Fast Channel version of NoSpamProxy 12.2, MIME type recognition will be extended to include the recognition of CAD files, making the implementation even easier.