• AS4-based Market Communication
    with NoSpamProxy

    The uniform communication standard AS4 is intended to improve the security and data protection of communication processes between the various market participants. NoSpamProxy offers you a reliable AS4 solution that covers the Electricity, Gas, Fahrplan and Redispatch 2.0 processes for all market roles in compliance with the relevant regulations.

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    AS4 Marktkommunikation mit NoSpamProxy
  • BSI-certified*: Email security with NoSpamProxy

    Discover NoSpamProxy, the leading email security solution and the first software product worldwide to receive the coveted BSI certificate in accordance with the Accelerated Security Certification (Beschleunigte Sicherheitszertifizierung, BSZ). Find out how NoSpamProxy can protect your company from the latest cyber threats.

    More informationFree trial version
    BSI Certification
  • AS4-based Market Communication with NoSpamProxy

    The uniform communication standard AS4 is intended to improve the security and data protection of communication processes between the various market participants. NoSpamProxy offers you a reliable AS4 solution that covers the Electricity, Gas, Fahrplan and Redispatch 2.0 processes for all market roles in compliance with the relevant regulations.

    Contact us
    AS4 Marktkommunikation mit NoSpamProxy
  • BSI-certified*: Email security with NoSpamProxy

    Discover NoSpamProxy, the leading email security solution and the first software product worldwide to receive the coveted BSI certificate in accordance with the Accelerated Security Certification (Beschleunigte Sicherheitszertifizierung, BSZ). Find out how NoSpamProxy can protect your company from the latest cyber threats.

    More informationFree trial version
    BSI Certification

All processes from one console

The communication between you and the market partners fulfils all defined requirements for the Electricity, Gas, Fahrplan and Redispatch 2.0 processes.

Modular bookable system

With AS4, NoSpamProxy offers the possibility of modular bookability. This allows us to respond individually to your requirements.

Dedicated AS4 user interface

Benefit from your own user interface. Administrators can thus conveniently manage their market partners, certificates and endpoints.

S/MIME PGP Verschlüsselung

Email security in focus

Through the common security standards TLS and S/MIME as well as encryption and digital signature, the focus is on security.

Reliable AS4 solution with NoSpamProxy

What is market communication in the energy industry?

Market communication (MaKo) refers to the exchange of information between participants in the German energy market. To facilitate this communication, standardized data formats have been introduced to ensure automated and efficient communication between energy suppliers. This standardization process was driven by the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) and the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW), resulting in the standardization of business processes and data formats.

Particular mention should be made of the EDI@Energy expert group, which, under the leadership of BDEW, has been instrumental in developing regulations for the secure exchange of transmission files.

Free AS4 consulting

Would you like to receive advice on AS4 market communication or would you like to book the AS4 module directly as a NoSpamProxy customer? Feel free to contact us and request a free consultation now.

What is AS4?

AS4 is a communication protocol and stands for Applicability Statement 4. AS4 was developed specifically for use in B2B communication and is intended to ensure the security, reliability and interoperability of electronic messages. It is based on the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standards.

EDI, short for Electronic Data Interchange, facilitates the exchange of structured business documents using a standardized electronic format such as EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport). These EDIFACT files play a crucial role in the business processes for supplying customers with electricity in accordance with the provisions of GPKE (Gemeinsame Prozesskoordination Elektrizität). In addition, AS4 provides a standardized method for exchanging business documents and messages between different parties via the Internet.

Since when is AS4 mandatory?

The German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) published the specification for the future safeguarding of electronic market communication for electricity on March 31, 2022:

Why AS4 with NoSpamProxy? The advantages at a glance.

  • Conversion of the emails into AS4 messages

    NoSpamProxy customers have the possibility to send EDIFACT files via email. NoSpamProxy takes over the conversion of these emails into AS4 messages and forwards them to the web service of the communication partner.

  • Conversion to emails with EDIFACT files

    External communication partners can send AS4 messages to a NoSpamProxy endpoint. NoSpamProxy transforms these messages into emails containing the relevant EDIFACT files.

  • AS4 communication in the Fahrplan process

    The Bundesnetzagentur requires smooth communication between all market partners in the Fahrplan process via AS4 from December 1, 2024, with parallel operation starting on October 1, 2024. NoSpamProxy offers a secure exchange of Fahrplan data via AS4.

  • Everything available instantly - for easy operation

    After logging in to a registration page, NoSpamProxy customers have the data exchange addresses of their market partners, the URL for calling the AS4 web service (AS4 address), and the certificate with the public key immediately available. This is critical because market partners need to exchange the data exchange addresses and the certificates to be used before the first data exchange to ensure extensive automation. NoSpamProxy simplifies this step and makes it extremely user-friendly.

  • Dedicated user interface for AS4

    NoSpamProxy customers additionally benefit from a dedicated user interface. Market communication administrators can conveniently manage market partners, required certificates and AS4 endpoints via this interface. A dedicated user group for these administrators as well as standalone message tracking enable smooth market communication without the need to involve email administrators.

  • Automatic integration of all BDEW market partners

    All relevant data of our customers’ communication partners are automatically imported into the NoSpamProxy configuration. Manual import is not required.

  • Gas market communication via the AS4 protocol

    From April 1, 2025, all gas suppliers must communicate via the AS4 protocol. The transition period of six months begins on 1 October 2024. NoSpamProxy offers secure data exchange for all market partners.

  • Book the AS4 module easily

    Benefit from seamless AS4 integration in NoSpamProxy. The AS4 module can be booked easily and flexibly in clear graduated prices and without hidden costs.

Over 6,000 companies entrust the security of their Email communication to NoSpamProxy.

Swiss Life Select Deutschland GmbH

„Although Microsoft 365 comes with its own security solutions, we route all traffic via our NoSpamProxy as a second, central protection mechanism. We rely on the combination of both systems for greater security.”

Marco Riemer, Head of Cloud Services at hagebau IT GmbH


„After a short break-in phase at the beginning, we quickly had peace of mind and NoSpamProxy has been doing what it is supposed to do ever since: reliably protect us from cyber threats and spam in the background. This is our idea of perfect mail security.”

Keven Kanet, Head of IT Infrastructure, OLYMP Bezner KG

„We work very closely with NoSpamProxy and know that, if the worst comes to the worst, we will quickly have someone on the line to deal with our problem. We also very much appreciate the exchange at eye level.”

Michael Drepper, ZIT, Collaboration Software Unit at the University Medical Center Essen

NoSpamProxy Suite

The full package for complete
email security

All four NoSpamProxy modules in one package: With NoSpamProxy Suite you get all the features for reliable protection against malware, ransomware and spam, secure email encryption, easy sending of large files and effortless management of email disclaimers. Extra secure, extra affordable. By purchasing NoSpamProxy Suite, you benefit from a significantly lower price compared to buying the four individual modules.

Would you like a consultation on AS4?
Please feel free to contact us.

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*NoSpamProxy Server version was used for the certification and the certificate was issued for this version.