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Why the blacklist is now called blocklist

Version 14 of NoSpamProxy brought a lot of new features such as the cloud-based reputation system 32Guards or the NoSpamProxy Web App. These two features are just two examples of how the development team at Net at Work is continuously working on improving NoSpamProxy. In addition to the technical changes, there was also another, at first glance inconspicuous change: Blacklist and Whitelist are now called Blocklist and Allowlist. You can find out why in this blog article.


Automated certificate management with Managed Certificates

Email encryption is the basis for data protection and legal security in your company. Encryption is no longer a marginal topic for organizations, and that’s a good thing: Rising threats from espionage and automated email screening by intelligence agencies show how important it is to protect your communications. In addition, encrypted communication with suppliers or external service providers is a prerequisite for awarding contracts in many industries. Until now, the email certificates required for encryption required administrative effort to acquire, distribute and manage. With Managed Certificates, you automate certificate management and reduce the effort to a minimum.


Spear-throwing machines: How Artificial Intelligence Makes Phishing Scalable

With the rapid development in the field of artificial intelligence, the field of IT security is facing great challenges: Like any new technology, artificial intelligence and so-called machine learning can be abused by criminals. What this means for the fight against phishing, ransomware and spam, and how you can already protect yourself against them, we explain in this blog article.