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Sender Reputation and Email Security – Part  4: Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC)

In the fourth part of our series of articles on sender reputation, we show you how you can use Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) to determine how the receiving server should authenticate your emails and what it should do if authentication fails. In addition, we explain how you can use DMARC to quickly be informed about abuse of your domain and thus protect the reputation of your domain.


Sender Reputation and Email Security – Part 2: Sender Policy Framework (SPF)

SPF, DKIM, DMARC and ARC are essential technologies for the detection of fake sender domains as well as for the defence against phishing attacks. Part 2 of our series of articles on sender reputation focuses on a method to authorise specific IP addresses to send emails: Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is a simple and effective method to prevent the misuse of sender domains.


Sender Reputation and Email Security – Part 1: Authenticated Received Chain (ARC)

Procedures for checking sender reputation have existed for some time. These provide an effective way to detect fake sender domains and thus prevent phishing attacks. Although they are easy to implement and do not require expensive tools, many companies do not apply them – and thus fail to secure their organization in the best possible way. Furthermore, they fall behind in direct comparison with criminals, because they are also constantly improving their setup.

In our series of articles on sender reputation, you’ll learn how each method works and how they can help you protect you and your organization from phishing with fake senders and other cyberattacks, and optimize your email security. 

Part 1 focuses on the latest method that can be used as part of sender reputation checks: Authenticated Received Chain (ARC). 


Polymorphic, metamorphic and oligomorphic malware: How to protect yourself

Cyberattacks continue to be part of everyday life, and according to the Federal Criminal Police Office, there were more than 130,000 cases of cybercrime in 2022 alone. As before, 92 per cent of all cyberattacks are carried out via email. Polymorphic and metamorphic malware poses a particularly high risk. You can find out why this is the case and what types of malware are involved in our blog article.